Saturday, February 9, 2013

Georgia & Chris's Engagement

Photography by Jamie Turner
Location Baker Park Frederick MD

Sarah & Tim 11/24/12

Ceremony Site:
St. John the Evangelist
Frederick, MD

Reception Site:
Hollow Creek Golf Club
Middletown, MD

Photography by Jason Turner

Sarah & Mike 11/24/12

Ceremony & Reception Site:
Thurmont, MD

Photography by Jamie Turner

Kimberly & Kyle 11/3/12

Ceremony & Reception Site:
Shade Trees & Evergreens
Libertytown, MD

Kimberly and Kyle were married at the beautiful Shade Trees and Ever Greens in Frederick MD. Shade Trees was originally a nursery but the owners have worked hard at making it a top notch wedding facility. The services at this venue are held at the edge of a gorgeous lake. It is a wonderful venue to work at and we love it when we get the chance. Kimberly and Kyle had a wine themed wedding, so wine was the drink of choice most of the day.  They incorporated wine into their service, which was unique, and we definitely like unique things. Its nice when people have the courage to go outside the norm a little and typically the guest really appreciate it as well. Kimberly was stunning and very easy to capture. Working with an outgoing bride is so much fun for us and makes our job a bit more exciting as well. These two were a fabulous couple to work with..... enjoy!

Rebecca & Derek 10/28/12

Ceremony & Reception Site:
Green Grove Gardens
Green Castle, PA

Rebecca and Derek were married on basically the coldest , windiest day of October, but that didn't stop us from taking advantage of the Beautiful Green Grove Gardens in Greencastle PA. Rebecca and Derek were a joy to work with as were their families.  I started with the girls getting ready at the hotel while my accomplice Jason started with the guys at the Gardens. This is typical for a lot of couples to get ready in separate locations so we are always prepared to separate when need be. The guys braved the cold first and were better dressed for the cold but the girls were willing to make the best of it as well. The service was in the barn and even though they could not get married outside, the inside looked amazing. After the service we were able to get the bridal party and the newly weds back out for some more photos before everyone enjoyed the evening in the warmth. It just so happened that on this wedding day, we were all blessed with a little of nature's furry as Hurricane Sandy made its way up the coast and put quite a scare in the guest that were traveling. The affair was cut a but short but in the end Rebecca and Derek were husband and wife and that is what really was important.... enjoy!

Grace & Louis 10/6/12

(Ceremony Site:)
St. John's Church
Frederick, MD

(Reception Site:)
Visitation Academy
Frederick, MD

Photography by Jason Turner